n the present study 31 actinomycetes were isolated from
water and sediments and 13 showed wide range of zone of
inhibition in the primary screening. More yield of crude
extract was produced through solid state fermentation
method compared to submerged state fermentation method
when extracted with methanol and ethyl acetate solvents.
The reason for the increased production of yield in solid
state fermentation was due to lack of water and completely
miscible in organic solvents (ethyl acetate and methanol)
with the fermented biomass. The higher yields obtained
by the solid state fermentation method was agreed with
the previous reports[43,44]. The lower yields obtained from
submerged state fermentation method was attributed to
the use of water immiscible solvent such as ethyl acetate
during extraction. Similar findings were earlier reported by
Subramaniyam and Vimala[45].