The Ordinary National Educational Test (O-NET) is administered annually by the National Institute of Educational Testing Service to grade 6 (ISCED 1), grade 9 (ISCED 2) and grade 12 (ISCED 3) students in public and private schools. The O-NET was first administered to grade 12 students in 2005, and then was extended to grade 6 students in 2007, and to grade 9 students in 2008.
The O-NET is a high-stake assessment and mandatory for students. The final score which determines promotion to the next grade is based on the O-NET score and the score obtained on school-based assessments held during the academic year; the O-NET contributes 20% and school-based assessments contribute 80% of the final score. In the near future, the O-NET will contribute 50% of the final score.
The O-NET is a written examination, administered face-to-face and delivered through paper-pencil tests. All test-takers are presented with the same cognitive booklets or tests, which are aligned with the Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E 2551 (A.D 2008).