Results are shown in Table 1 to 3. The results showthat the treatments had significant effects in ADGand FCR.
However, the chicken broilers feed with Protexin, resulted in the most favorable ADG while broilers fed with ratios
of Premalac and Calciporin were ranked second and third and broilers in control group were ranked forth. Feed
conversion ratios are also provided in Table 2. The results showed that the ratio which includes probiotics was
associated with the best outcome. The chicken broilers feed with Protexin have the lowest FCR and was the most
favorable while broilers fed with ratios of Premalac and Calciporin were ranked second and third and broilers in
control group were ranked forth. The results of current study are in line with other studies that investigated effect of
probiotics on chicken broilers. The primary role of a diet is to provide enough nutrients to fulfill metabolic
requirements of the body and also to modulate different functions of the body. Probiotics are beneficial
microorganisms that can be suitably used to improvegrowth performance and health of broiler chickens [1