Sports School in Takuapa, "Sena Nukoon" This. Began on November 17, 2558 and ended on November 19, 2558, the last day. A day of play and sporting events throughout the day. No one has taught all five colors: red, yellow, blue and pink Event This year I have the color orange. Since opening ceremony sport began. All athletes began practicing more. Each is hoping to be awarded to each possession. Cheerleaders practiced To show on the big day I did not stand up well Diligently practiced together And very often Sport in this school is very serious. Quite similar to the School sports day I and friends have helped make the procession to the second day of the march.
Competitive sport, I helped a friend make the march.
I can not help cheering, singing feathered friends gradually sweets to cheer friends athletics. I served as
The facilities staff gradually to the paint and final day of competition sport, I have been assigned the same function.
Like the first day to help serve water to the game and help the garbage collection area Stan cheer.
I will not have anything to play sports.
But I would encourage everyone to do.