This section provides for specific questions related to the solution your organization proposes to KRUNGSRI GROUP. Your proposed solution should as a minimum specifically address the following key issues in the order as specified.
1. Key Objectives
Please outline what specific benefits your solution provides KRUNGSRI GROUP in terms of the following objectives:
To search and hunt talented people who are qualified to work for KRUNGSRI GROUP.
To assist Recruitment in expedite the process of searching particularly specialists, leaders and Executive, in order to respond the growth of manpower needs.
2. Please provide details on how your proposed solution will address the following aspects:
Proposal ( Below is Sample )
A. Your specific proposal features and benefits
B. Value added account management and reporting services
C. Maintenance/consumables considerations
D. Proposed solution benefits over current environment
E. Competitive advantage over competitors
F. Compliance with general service requirements
Product/Service ( Below is sample )
G. Details of functionality, performance, option upgrades, network and security features
H. Innovation and future benefits
I. Service coverage and customer support across country
J. Key performance indicators
Pricing ( Below is sample)
K. Details of proposed costing structure/costed proposal
L. Key cost saving areas (include what additional cost savings are offered under your proposal over your current offering to KRUNGSRI GROUP – if applicable).
M. Option upgrade pricing
N. Price and Service guarantee’s.
O. Ongoing cost reduction actions.
P. Proposed transition plan from current environment to new environment including details of any;
[ insert transition plan ]