7.1 The promotion management program
The promotion management program is the process of increasing a person's ability to control the factors that affect the health and development of their health. Added the ability to make decisions and activities. To people in the community to affect the health of their communities. However, to achieve social change, culture, environment, economy to minimize the impact on the health of residents and guests. With organizedforms of life to various resources. Available in the community to lend to individuals and communities with good health habits. Reduce risk factors for disease and improve health.
7.2 Thai-Isan local dance
As mentioned above, Researcher to make a written summary of the folk
dance (I-sanLocal dance) is a Physical Activity, which was application to promote the integrity of the Physical Fitness and effect on reducing high risk of diabetes. Because dance kinesiology is a pattern of exercise that all a part of body are movement with rhythm of song. These can promoting in emotion, Mindfulness/meditation/intelligence, relationship in individual high risk of diabetes mellitus person, friend-ship and community. According to conservation of cultural heritage.
7.3 Women’s elderly
women’s elderly that is an elderly woman by those women to live long 60 - 79 years (during the years 2559) which is the elderly students (60-69 years) and older central. (70-79 years) living in the community of MahaSarakham province.
7.4 Physical fitness
As mentioned above, Researcher impose Physical fitness test in high risk of diabetes mellitus among women elderly60-75 years. Test items is scheduled in the following order:
1. Vital sign
2. BMI
3. Body fat content (% Fat)
4. Waist measurement
5. Chair-stand
6. Arm Curl
7. 6-Min Walk
8. 8-Ft Up-&-go
9. Chair Sit-&-Reach
10. Back Scratch
7.5 Highrisk to type 2 DM in elderly woman
Women who has 60 – 79 years old with no records of diabetes, and they were risk
to have diabetes more than one factors as follow.
1) Aged women between 60 – 79 years old who were risk to have diabetes. In other words, they had fasting plasma glucose last year at 100-125 mg/kg or impaired fasting glucose (IFG).
2) Overweight people who had BMI > 25 kg/mg and/or had the size of waistline over a standard), and their parents, sister, or brother had diabetes.
3) They had hypertension, or they were taking anti-hypertensive drugs.
4) They had dyslipidemia, or they were taking hypolipidaemic agents.
5) They were recorded to have diabetes during pregnancy, or they had ever given birth an infant over 4 kg.
6) They had ever been found to be impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) or impaired fasting glucose (IFG).
7) They had a heart disease and cardiovascular disease.
8) They had polycystic ovarian syndrome.