The descriptive statistics for the interval-scaled independent
variable (IV) and dependent variables (DVs)
are in Table 3. The IVs’ mean values for WC, RD, and
BS are all greater than 3.0, indicating that the workers
are generally satisfied with the work environment.
The mean for BS is the highest (3.21), followed by WC
(3.16) and RD (3.07). The overall WS is 2.78. Notice
that the minimum and maximum for all the variables
are large, indicating that workers from different areas
may have different satisfaction levels. The variances for
all the variables are low(0.197 to 0.271), indicating that
most scores are close to the means.
The descriptive statistics for the interval-scaled independentvariable (IV) and dependent variables (DVs)are in Table 3. The IVs’ mean values for WC, RD, andBS are all greater than 3.0, indicating that the workersare generally satisfied with the work environment.The mean for BS is the highest (3.21), followed by WC(3.16) and RD (3.07). The overall WS is 2.78. Noticethat the minimum and maximum for all the variablesare large, indicating that workers from different areasmay have different satisfaction levels. The variances forall the variables are low(0.197 to 0.271), indicating thatmost scores are close to the means.
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