Seizure of properties consists in properties belonging to offenders seized in totality or in part by
the state without any compensation. Seizure of properties may only be sentenced in case of
serious cases as mentioned in the specific part of this Penal Code.
In case a seizure of the totality of properties is decided, exception must be made for properties
necessary for the livelihood of the offender and his family according to the list attached to this
Penal Code. In case partial seizure of properties is sentenced, the court must set up a clear list.
Confiscation of items relates to items which were used in the infraction or prepared for the
commitment of the infraction or gathered from the infraction by the state. Items belonging to
other individuals implicated in the infraction will be seized by the state if proved to be
accomplices and if seen necessary for social security.
State and collective items will not be seized but returned to the relevant authorities.