You're probably bored of me saying how much I love u and how much I miss u...
But this is a little different from everyone else na. This mixing board truly represent you and identify you to me of who you really are to me and this world. Your music makes me smile, your groove makes me move, your jokes makes me crack up. You know what? Just your presence makes this world a better place.
I don't know what else to say but how much you mean to me and this world. I hope you find a sunlight and follow the path of happiness.
Born again as a rockstar and I will be your biggest fan and friend wherever, whenever and whichever life that is.
Sweet dreams my panda and wake up to a better place.
I have no more grieves, grudges and hate with you no more.
Set free like a bird and be strong for the future my friend.
Love you to the bone.