The fertilizers are the substances which are used to improve the fertility of soil, thus improving the level of production, but still the rate of improvement of growth and production varies with types of fertilizers used i. e. organic, inorganic or biofertilizers, so the present investigation was designed to determine the efficacy of improvement in garlic (Allium sativum) cv. G-323 under different categories of fertilizer and in their various combination ratios. The present investigation was laid out during rabi season in randomized block design having seven treatments containing inorganic (RDF), organic (FYM) and biofertilizer (Azotobacter+PSB) in various proportions. The growth parameters of garlic viz., plant height, number of leaves per plant, length and width of leaf, fresh and dry weight of plant and leaf area index were recorded, while in case of productive parameters, weight per bulb, weight of cloves per bulb and number of cloves per bulb and maximum bulb yield were recorded. The growth parameters like plant height, number of leaves per plant, length and width of leaf, fresh and dry weight of plant and leaf area index were significantly superior under the treatment 75% RDF + 5 t FYM/ha + Azotobacter + PSB over rest of the treatments. Seed inoculation with PSB and Azotobacter under 75% RDF with incorporation of 5 t FYM/ha resulted in significantly longer and wider bulb diameter (3.52 and 3.54 cm, respectively), weight per bulb, weight of cloves per bulb and number of cloves per bulb and longer clove with maximum bulb yield (133.16 q/ha). Also, the maximum net return amount was also found to be with this treatment combination. Therefore, application of 75% RDF+5 t FYM/ha+Azotobacter+PSB annexed with highest benefit : cost ratio (5.54) and is the best recommended treatment combination.