The shape of the lactation curve is determinedby the parameters b and c obtained after the estimation ofthe parameters of milk yield according to Wood (1967).The calculations for the lactations were classified into100 kg milk yield classes. In present study, a lactationcurve was considered atypical if either b or c parameterwas negative. The atypical lactation curves were furtherdivided into continuously increasing, reversed standardand continuously decreasing curves. With regard to thefact that regular recordings are not performed onprecisely determined days after calving, and that there arefew measurements carried out on certain days, thestandard lactation from the fifth day on was divided intoten-day intervals (ICAR, 2011)
Modeling lactation curve standards for test-day milk yield in holstein, Brown Swiss and simmental cows (PDF Download Available). Available from: [accessed May 2, 2016].