General Cultural Scholarship Scheme (504 slots) Academic Session 2015 – 2016
Dear Applicant,
Thank you very much for your interest to pursue higher education in
India. As you prepare to apply for the General Cultural Scholarship of ICCR,
may I request you to keep in mind the following:-
I. Please read the instruction before filling out the forms. Please also read the
financial terms and conditions.
II. The completed and signed application form which should be typed and
not hand written along with other attachments must be e-mailed as a pdf
document to the Embassy/ High Commission of India in your country. A
hard copy along with 5 photographs should also be delivered to the
Embassy/ High commission of India.
III. Please note that your application will be considered only after it is verified
and recommended by the Embassy/ High commission of India.
IV. Application should reach Embassy/ High commission of India by 15
January 2015.
V. Please note that your placement to a particular educational institution /
University will depend on the availability of seats and the course that you
are choosing .Therefore, before filling your three choic