3.2. Hydrogen and methane potential productions of single fractions
and of OFMSW samples
Results on hydrogen and methane potential productions
obtained from all samples of single fractions and from samples of
OFMSW are presented in Fig. 2. The fraction BP was characterised
by the highest hydrogen production potential with an average value
obtained from BHP tests of 152 ml H2/gVS while the maximum production
was 237 ml H2/gVS. On the contrary the fraction characterised
by the lowest hydrogen production was the MFC fraction with
values ranging from 0.5 to 9 ml H2/gVS and an average value of 5 ml
H2/gVS. Also for the fraction V, the hydrogen potentials were rather
low with an average value of 13 ml H2/gVS. The fraction F, U and the
mixtures of OFMSW showed similar characteristics both in terms of
average values and variability (Fig. 2).