Coconut (Cocos nucifera) is a fruit which is abundant in the
tropical and subtropical countries such as Philippines, Malaysia,
Indonesia and India. Over the past ten decades, coconut
products have been used either as a food or medication.3 There
is extensive research on coconut oil in order to explore its potential
uses. Coconut oil is used as edible oil for domestic consumption.
Several methods are employed to extract the
coconut oil, which involve either dry or wet processing. In
dry processing, the coconut oil is extracted from the copra
i.e. the dried kernel. The oil then undergoes the process of
refining, bleaching and deodorizing (RBD) which involves
chemicals and heating at a high temperature.
Coconut (Cocos nucifera) is a fruit which is abundant in thetropical and subtropical countries such as Philippines, Malaysia,Indonesia and India. Over the past ten decades, coconutproducts have been used either as a food or medication.3 Thereis extensive research on coconut oil in order to explore its potentialuses. Coconut oil is used as edible oil for domestic consumption.Several methods are employed to extract thecoconut oil, which involve either dry or wet processing. Indry processing, the coconut oil is extracted from the coprai.e. the dried kernel. The oil then undergoes the process ofrefining, bleaching and deodorizing (RBD) which involveschemicals and heating at a high temperature.
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