Implementing this routing system required the definition and implementation of a database structure and
unloading process to enable a daily operation. Some of the most relevant data inputs are: Digital maps of
the suburban area ( mainly Monterrey, San Nicolás, Guadalupe, San Pedro Garza Garcia and Santa
Catarina), geocoded customer locations, service time windows, and daily orders from each customer. In
addition, a new organizational unit in charge of the route planning management was defined and approved.
The process of implementation incorporated a phase of customer segmentation and territory or zone
definition. The purpose for segmenting customers was to exploit their characteristics to maximize route
efficiency. The segments defined are: Convenience stores, supermarkets, high sale and consumption points,
low sale and consumption points and out of town routes. For each segment, territories were defined
according to the following parameters; Number of customers visited per day for each route, maximum
number of customers per route and maximum number of customers per zone. The values considered for
these parameters for each segment were chosen such that routes would not last more than 8.3 hours in the
market, given customer order frequency, and the driver could have a good knowledge of customer locations
in their respective zone. At this moment, all improvement initiatives for reducing not-in-transir waste have
been implemented. The application of Roadnet is complete for those routes included in the convenience
store and supermarket segments. It is planned that the project will be finished by the end of April in year