The present study examined the effectiveness of a self-instructional package for teaching discrete-trials teaching (DTT) to Applied Behaviour Analysis tutors at the St.Amant
Applied Behaviour Analysis Program for Children with Autism. A modified multiple-
Baseline design across participants was used, and replicated six times. An AB design was
Used for one participant. The training package include a self-instructional manual, video
demonstrations, and self-practice. Participants required an average of 3 hours and 56
minutes to master the manual. Eleven of the 13 participants achieved the mastery
criterion during the post-training assessment. Mean DTT accuracy increased from 46.2%
to 85.5 (a statistically significant increase). One tutor participated in a generalization
phase with a child with autism, and their DTT accuracy averaged 80.1%. The results
suggest that the self-instructional package appears to be an effective tool for teaching
newly-hired tutors to conduct DTT.