Psychosocial correlates measurement. The Children’s Physical Activity Correlated
Battery (CPAC) (Welk et al., 2003) was adopted to assess the correlates of children’s PA
participation. This scale was developed to assess the predisposing and reinforcing
factors described in the YPAP model. Three sub-scales: physical activity perception
(PAP), physical self-perception (PSP) and parental influence (PINF) were developed to
assess the mediatory relationship in the model. The Physical Activity Perception
construct (15 items), addressed predisposing factors of the YPAP related to individual
thinking about the consequences of being physically active and the level of satisfaction
related to participation in PA. The Physical Self-Perception construct (five items),
addressed predisposing factors of the YPAP related to the individual child’s judgment
concerning his/her ability in terms of PA participation and how confident he/she was
about changing or maintaining active behaviour, which is also regarded as one of the
multi-dimensional variables of self perception (Harter, 1999). The Parental Influence
construct (18 items) addressed reinforcing factors of the YPAP related to the
encouragement, involvement, and facilitation provided by parents for the child’s
participation in PA. These items were classified further into four constructs: