And then I have a chance to try the Meiji milk high protein, blue.
The label on the bottle says. Serving 200 ml, but the number of bottles with two servings at one unit of energy 120 kcal, this means that one bottle to break a second time if a single out energy 210 kcal because one bottle with 350 ml. And describe the nutrients in 1 consumption, such as protein 10 grams fat 1.5 g carbohydrate 16 g Sugar 8 g, but if a drink bottle. To put these values to multiply and divide 2 3.5 protein 10x3.5 / 2 = 17.5 (he rounded a 18 g at the bottle) so the fat can be 2.6 grams. 28 g carbohydrate, 14 g. sugar.
The protein that is acceptable. But starch sugar, too high compared with whey protein in general, it is suspected that would put the way a little hope is named a way. And when I read the next found with skimmed milk powder high mix, so thought. "?" and not identified as highway kind. When roo sleep must guess this way of being is unmistakable. Other ingredients such as L-carnitine can only aspire to in advertisement. Also afraid of taste. Therefore, mixed with sugar.
As for me, I assume that not a whey protein. But I have to admit that the protein than milk plain. Compared with the price of nutrients, it is not secure.