Fig. 17 shows the 1H NMR spectra of the products in each step. In the spectrum of the TEG diacrylate, the integration ratios of the vinyl [δ = 5.8 (3), δ = 6.2 (2), and δ = 6.3 (1)], and methylene protons [δ = 4.2 (4)] were 1:1:1:2 as expected (Fig. 17(A)). After the Michael addition, the vinyl protons from the acrylate groups disappeared and new signals corresponding to the protons of the OH end groups and that of newly formed chain end appeared with the expected integration ratios of 1:1:1:2:2 at δ = 4.2 ppm and δ = 2.7 ppm (a), δ = 2.4 ppm (b), δ = 2.5 ppm (c), and δ = 3.3 ppm (d), respectively. (Fig. 17(B))