Plant densities have increased by 19,130 plantdha contributing 47.4 kg/ha/1,000 plants for a total of 21% of the gain. Better soil drainage, fall plowing, and herbicides have permitted planting 10 days earlier for an average gain of 36.4 kg/ha/day and a total of 8% of the net increase. Drilling corn rather than hill dropping has contributed 8% and fall plowing has contributed 5% to current yields. Row spacing has decreased from 107 to 90 cm for a gain of 10.2 kglhaicm or 4% of the gain.
Rotation changes have had no net effect on N balance with increases in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] offsetting decreases in forage legume hectarage. However, there has been a negative effect of more hectares of corn following corn resulting in 3% loss from corn rootworm (Diabrotica spp.) and 7% loss due to the interference effect of corn following corn. Corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis Hubner) became a problem in the 1940's and has reduced yield potential an average of 5%. Soil erosion has reduced yield potentials 8% over the 50 years. Other negative and unaccounted factors reduce the potential yields by 23%.