Central region The region has an abundance of more than other sectors is regarded as the Central garage of the country's major rice in Thailand. Because of the poor conditions there are lowlands along waterways, swamps, swamp the central food production as a source of important whether one country is agricultural or livestock. Apart from that, in some areas of the central region also has some of the sea, thus making Central. Satthu is the material used in a wide variety of cooking.
Food Central is a cultural timepiece that resulted from the blending of cultures from a variety of nationalities include China, India, Myanmar and Viet Nam in the middle of the country the Khmer from the Western Nations that came since the Ayutthaya period. Central Food food is so diverse both in terms of taste and mouthwatering exotic decoration. Are neatly taken devoted to convey food culture from within, Wang? Central Thailand people eat rice as a primary Dining in each meal, there will be several decks with rice.