I beg of you! The yukkuri inside is unusually fertile ...
You are this koyukkuri who couldn't be raised's owner that I've been looking for.
It's the same as a Gold Patchy's child, so it's a good ko I think ... please!
Come on, your yukkuri's story was interesting to hear, but there's nothing I can do zo
Now you've got it, huh!? Thank you, you are truly my best friend.
It's alright, I've come prepared with all of the necessary tools.
Because it was stalk-birthed, it is brought to this state by cutting before birth-fall.
Therefore, it will open its eyes when birthed. Do the greeting properly.
Ah, I see. It won't open its eyes until I take off the sugar water bag.
My friend took almost all of the tool descriptions home (crapshoot)
When I immediately try to check in the box
Patchouli was sleeping as soundly as a pinecone.
(Rather, she still seems to be in the state of not yet being born)
Uhh, is it good if I stroke you?
You're truly scared...
Oh yeah, I forgot to do your greeting!
It seems like leaking pride is a habit of akayus.
I tried giving her some food since she wasn't scared anymore.
For a stalk-born yukkuri's first meal, it seems like a good thing the stalks grow so tenderly.
And sweet milk warmed to body temperature ...
The second time I tried stroking she seemed already completely emotionally attached to my doing rub rub. Alright!
Well ... isn't this a little too soon?
Uh, can you even read this!?
So easy.
So natural too ...
That's your body pillow?
In the time Patchy was obsessing over the grimoire, I made her a bed and a great cry was heard.
Somehow you're in pain...? Well, I'll call my buddy ...
Hello? Something is making Patchouli cry out painfully, but
The greeting? Did it. I already gave her food and delivered the grimoire.
Since she was happy, so I was away making her bed. ......poop?
It seems you have to stimulate their anyaru when they're a baby-yu to allow them to excrete.
Ummm, lay out some poo-poo paper and kindly moisten an absorbent cotton ball ...
It appeared that after pooping that she really had had to.
Her complexion and spirit improved
She'd pooped, and I tried put the swaddling cloth on her.
She was drowsily closing her eyes, so I cradled and rub-rubbed her and she fell right asleep.
She can take it really easy, huh?
The present-day poo poo method of Patchy
Recently, since I had become concerned about helping with poo poo, I made her a private simple toilet.
As for beginning my poo poo process, it took a considerable battle, but it seems it really helped her win over her embarrassment.
Now she's mastered it perfectly.
When you come out, since you always look embarrassed to do that kind of thing, I'm going to stare intently and greet you from directly in front of it.