Sows at 15°C with floor heating turned off after
BFP + 12 h spent more than twice the amount of time
standing and walking compared with the other treatment
groups during BFP + 13 to 48 h. Standing and walking
in sows could be considered positive, in terms of getting
them to be active, reducing the risk of shoulder lesions
(Rolandsdotter et al., 2009), and inducing early eating
after farrowing; however, the daily feed intake was equal
for sows kept at 15°C and 20°C for the first 7 d after
farrowing, with no effect of floor heating duration. The
increased standing and walking could also be considered
negative (e.g., if resting on the cold floor increases
heat loss and is experienced as unpleasant for the sows
at the low room temperature of 15°C).