Section 31. Determination of Easements – For purposes of Article 51 of the Code, all
easements of public use prescribed for the banks or rivers and the shores of seas and lakes shall be
reckoned from the line reached by the highest flood which does not cause inundation or the highest
equinoctial tide whichever is higher.
Any construction or structure that encroaches into such easement shall be ordered removed or
cause to be removed by the Board in coordination with DPWH, LGU or appropriate government
agency or local government unit.
Section 32. When Permit/Authority from the Department of Public Works and Highways is
Required – A permit/authority shall be secured from the Department of Public Works and Highways in
the following instances:
a) Construction of dams, bridges and other structures in navigable or floatable waterways;
b) Cultivation of river beds, sand bars and tidal flats upon clearance from DENR;
c) Construction of private levees, revetments and other flood control and river training works;
d) Restoration of river courses to former beds