Before the removal men arrived, I looked in the back and front searching for what I might dig up and replant on my balcony. Something I could cherish. The others were busy going through drawers and cabinets, emptying and filling boxes. If I dug up the roses in the front, or the boastful sunflowers, the entrance would look naked. The clusters of delicate red begonias, purple hyacinth, orange cannas and pink chrysanthemum were so perfectly positioned. There was nothing I felt I could lift without doing irreparable damage to Ma’s front garden so I turned to the back, and just kept looking, till Kartini called, ‘Auntie Josephine your removal men have arrived.’
I took them into the kitchen for a cup of tea before showing them round the house.
‘What a beautiful garden your Mother had.’
‘Yes,’ I replied almost tearful.