General Rules
Don't advertise. This means making threads/posts to advertise random sites, affiliate links, etc. Obvious advertisers are banned on sight. If you want to share a cool site, please keep it to your signature.
Don't spam. This can be any action that is designed to draw undue attention. This includes making the same or substantially the same post repeatedly and/or over multiple threads. This also includes memes.
Bumping old threads just for the sake of bumping them up and/or without context or relatively useful information, usually known as "necro'ing," is considered a form of spamming.
Don't go off-topic. Every thread has a title/topic/purpose, guiding the discussion. Please do not attempt to derail the conversation.
Don't flame/troll/fight/harass other members. Unacceptable forms of conduct include, but are not limited to, intentionally posting false arguments, intentionally misquoting other users, name-calling, posting flames/personal attacks, annoying others, or disrupting a discussion. This rule extends to all forms of communication on this site, including the forums, PMs, and user profiles.
Don't post any offensive materials. This site is aimed at a general audience. Posting pornographic or generally offensive text, images, links, etc. will not be tolerated. Offensive materials include, but are not limited to:
pointless cursing or excessive obscenity;
derogatory remarks towards any race, religion, nation, social status, gender, or sexual orientation; and
pornographic material, especially those involving children.
Don't make any harmful posts. Harmful posts are any posts that are intended to harm the computing resources or physical well-being of our site or users in any way. These include viruses, annoying animated images (such as flashing bright colors), loud sounds, etc.
Embedded media such as audio or video must have a start/stop button. Embedded media must default to off/not playing, and may only start playing if the user affirmatively acts on your media.
Embedded flash must be from one of these sites: YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr. If you would like more sites added to this list, contact the staff.
Large images take up a lot of screen space and can interfere with the other members browsing the site. Whenever possible, keep them inside spoiler tags.
Don't make double posts. Double posting means two consecutive posts from the same user. Though the forum automatically merges any posts made within 60 minutes of each other, multiple posts after 60 minutes are also prohibited. Exceptions: if you're posting at a much later date than your previous post or have other good cause.
Don't attempt to circumvent bans. Attempting to ban evade by registering another account, using someone else's account, or any other method will lead to those other accounts being banned and the ban on the main account extended. Users who feel they have been unfairly warned are welcome to follow the steps on this thread to launch an appeal. However, publicly arguing with the moderation team, especially after appeals have been concluded or are in progress, may lead to additional warnings.
Search before you post. The topic of your thread may have already been created. To help minimize the chance of duplicates and keep topics in a single place for discussion, the staff reserves the right to lock the newly created thread and/or merge it with the original thread.
Exemptions include the Comic Finder forum and any technical support forum.
Only use Batoto and its features for their intended purpose.
Don't upload any pornographic, lolicon, or shotacon material. Don't upload, link, or reference any material on this site that may be considered pornographic. This goes double for any material that may have characters who could be children (lolicon or shotacon).
Don't upload any RAWs. RAWs are copies, scans, or rips of material as published in their original source language and medium.That includes material that are published by English (re)publishers or any publisher that has not granted us rights. This means you should not upload original Japanese works (e.g., a scanned Shounen Jump magazine), original English works (e.g., a scanned copy of a Batman comic), or official English translations of a Japanese manga (e.g., something published by Dark Horse comics). We host fan creations and those who publish to Batoto, not copies of others' works.
Don't link to RAWs. Similar to the above, do not link to any raws.
Exemption: You may link directly to RAWs from the official publisher (e.g. webtoons and web comics).
Don't steal others' releases. Do not upload material with inaccurate credits. Particularly, do not claim that you worked on a project when you have not.
Don't upload contents restricted by the scanlator's policy. If the scanlator says no uploading, it means no uploading here. If it says delay, upload it after a period of time (you can also use the delay feature we have to do that for you). See here for all known sc