4. Conclusion
Precooked pork sausage added with BHA/BHT and RP had higher
moisture content and lower fat content than the control. Addition
of BHA/BHT and RP resulted in higher value pH than that of control
at 7 d. The results of objective color evaluation showed that the
addition of RP changed the internal color attributes of precooked
pork sausage by darkening, decreasing redness. Cooking loss was
lower in the added RP samples compared to the control at 14 d. The
addition of 1% RP resulted in significantly lower cooking loss and
higher cohesiveness, springiness, and gumminess values compared
to all other samples. These results indicate that the 1% RP was as
effective as BHA/BHT in retarding lipid oxidation in precooked pork
sausages. Further, these data suggest that addition of precooked
pork sausage with RP can enhance eating quality, as sensory panels
found that pork sausage with added RP had better color and texture
values. Treatment with 1% RP had significant effects on cooking loss
and TBARS values. Therefore, RP extract clearly provides an alternative
to synthetic antioxidants and improving the texture of
processed meats such as pork sausage. Also, radix puerariae, as
a raw material, has been applied in the fields of medicine and
functional food. However, there are some questions as to the exact
mechanism by which should be resolved in the future.
4. ConclusionPrecooked pork sausage added with BHA/BHT and RP had highermoisture content and lower fat content than the control. Additionof BHA/BHT and RP resulted in higher value pH than that of controlat 7 d. The results of objective color evaluation showed that theaddition of RP changed the internal color attributes of precookedpork sausage by darkening, decreasing redness. Cooking loss waslower in the added RP samples compared to the control at 14 d. Theaddition of 1% RP resulted in significantly lower cooking loss andhigher cohesiveness, springiness, and gumminess values comparedto all other samples. These results indicate that the 1% RP was aseffective as BHA/BHT in retarding lipid oxidation in precooked porksausages. Further, these data suggest that addition of precookedpork sausage with RP can enhance eating quality, as sensory panelsfound that pork sausage with added RP had better color and texturevalues. Treatment with 1% RP had significant effects on cooking lossand TBARS values. Therefore, RP extract clearly provides an alternativeto synthetic antioxidants and improving the texture ofprocessed meats such as pork sausage. Also, radix puerariae, asa raw material, has been applied in the fields of medicine andfunctional food. However, there are some questions as to the exactmechanism by which should be resolved in the future.
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