If you receive error 0x80070004 when you install Windows 8.1, please first check the following:
1. This error may occur if you are using symbolic links (via the mklink command) to redirect your user profile to another drive. If so, you can resolve this by restoring your user profile to the system drive by following the steps in KB 2876597.
2. This error may also occur if you have a corrupt user profile. To check for this:
· Open the System Properties (Type “System” at the Start screen, and then select “System”.)
· Select Advanced system settings.
· In the Advanced tab, under User Profiles, select Settings.
· Try to log into any profiles you see listed here. If you’re unable to log in, that profile may be corrupt. Return to the User Profiles in Advanced system settings and delete the corrupt profile. If you see any profiles listed as “Unknown” or that otherwise look corrupt, delete those profiles as well.
· Try creating a new administrator profile and try installing Windows 8.1 from the new profile. You can find steps for creating a new profile and copying the old profile to the new one at Fix a corrupted user profile. (This was written for Vista, but the steps are similar. You can find Folder Options for displaying hidden system files in the Control Panel, under Appearance and Personalization.)
If you’ve confirmed that you’ve tried all of these steps and you’re still receiving error 0x80070004 when installing Windows 8.1, we would like to collect more information to try to identify additional causes. Please run this automated utility, which will collect log files and send them to Microsoft. (You can also choose to save the information to your desktop.) If you get a message that says the utility has already expired, that means we have already collected enough sample files.
This log analysis may take some time. We will post a fix or solution as soon a