As an example, let us consider that result obtained with this methodology using
the presented alternatives may influence the maintenance policies to be applied on the
system (as already commented above).
Stages 5 and 6: defining pair comparison matrix and evaluation matrix.
The evaluation matrices for the three periods (2008, 2010 and 2012) are summarized
in Table VII.
In this case, each criterion has the same evaluation scale, which considerably
simplifies the data processing and later analysis. Table VIII presents the paired
comparison matrices for each period, with the corresponding calculation of geometric
means and the priority vector, which should be further validated through consistency
analysis, identifying the indicators: Lambda max (lmax), the CI and the CR. These charts
are the key point of the proposed method, since they represent the time dependency.
They are obtained applying the conventional AHP (in this particular case) three times.
The results of t (e.g. 2008) influence the following year before the conventional AHP is