But anyway, one of the things that after my freshman year in engineering, I said, this is and
I’m not sure about this place. It really depresses me. I started drawing and painting a lot
that spring semester. I was going to class less and less, but I was getting through. That
summer we were running line up near Nancy Lake working on the road to Mount McKinley
Park, up above Wasilla and Palmer. We’d come into town on the weekends and go out to
the bush for the week and live together in tents or cabins or wherever we could find up the
line. It was probably late June, early July; it was hot as hell. We were cutting brush and I hit
myself in the leg with a machete. It bled for a while and it stopped. I was not in a good
mood. My pant leg was stuck to my leg and there were mosquitoes everywhere. We went
through the day and at the end of the day, we all got in the rig and we drove into