2. Materials and methods
2.1. Soil material
The soils used in this study were sandy loam collected from the
Yanqin Water and Soil Conservation Station, at Shangxinzhuang,
Beijing. This soil was selected because it is widely used for cropland
and orchards and is the primary source of soil erosion in the study
area. The soil was collected from the top 20 cm and contained 10.8%
clay, 39.7% silt and 49.5% sand, as well as a low level of organic matter
(2.53%). The sampled soil was passed through a 5-mm sieve and airdried
to a moisture content of approximately 5%. For each experiment,
soil was packed into a soil tray to a bulk density of 1.35 g cm−3
(st. dev.=0.05 g cm−3). In total, three soil layers were packed. Each
layer was lightly compacted with a board prior to adding the next
layer to keep similar bulk density. The surface for each layer was
roughened by a small rake to let two layers combine with each other
better. The depth of soil in the soil tray was approximately 9.5 cm.