Please find attached company registration and affidavit for our new entity [ BES MFG ], these documents can be added to our Provisional lease agreement and kept for your records .
It would seem that we are now in a position to proceed and sighn the Provisional lease agreement and pay our deposits as detailed therein , however we have noted a discrepancy in the rent free period documented within the agreement provided .
That is to say ,
We had discussed a period of 3 months when we were in your office to allow for all set up power to be supplied transformer and machinery imports BOI etc .
So this would then mean that the lease provisional document would then convert to a proper lease service agreement from 1 September 2014 not as shown end of July 2014 .
We respectfully ask can you please amend accordingly at your earliest convenience and reforward to us for immediate processing and payment .
Thanking you in anticipation and ,