Thus, the disengagement theory is based on two assumptions: First,
repeating morally violating behavior produces tolerance in individuals,
including resistance towards guilt and biased moral concerns. Thus, through
routinized aggression, moral disengagement may become crystallized, meaning
that people might become used to disengaging. It is thus likely that
individuals, who for some reason have stopped aggressing, might still hold
high levels of moral disengagement acceptance. Second, the theory states
that sustained aggression might escalate the disengagement process in that
the lack of feelings of guilt and remorse allows individuals to accept and
conduct still more inhumane behavior.
Thus, the disengagement theory is based on two assumptions: First,repeating morally violating behavior produces tolerance in individuals,including resistance towards guilt and biased moral concerns. Thus, throughroutinized aggression, moral disengagement may become crystallized, meaningthat people might become used to disengaging. It is thus likely thatindividuals, who for some reason have stopped aggressing, might still holdhigh levels of moral disengagement acceptance. Second, the theory statesthat sustained aggression might escalate the disengagement process in thatthe lack of feelings of guilt and remorse allows individuals to accept andconduct still more inhumane behavior.
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