You asked me,I feel with you.
I feel wonderful when I first saw you.(yes, I love you style ).this feeling is increased when I don't know, Just know that I feel good,Nostalgic feelings, feel worried about you,
12:08 ADT
I don't know how to tell you.I feel wonderful.
Which I don't feel like this for a long time.
It is called love is?.I don't know,Because I don't know what I love about you,but I'll know someday.
12:14 ADT
Sounds like I'm raving, because you have no comprehension. What I'm trying to say or tell.
12:18 ADT
Every time I talk to you. I'm happy .,I want to talk to you. I like you.
12:21 ADT
Even today, I still don't know why like you, but I'll know
in one day.
12:22 ADT
Thank God I found you.