To create a bingo game that would increase student interaction with course material and provide students with options for demonstrating learning and earning extra credit.
A bingo game was created in which each of the 25 squares contained an activity (eg, video, crossword puzzle, poem, quiz) that encouraged interaction with course material and appealed to multiple learning styles. Students who achieved bingo earned a 5-point (5%) grade bonus.
All students enrolled in the Introduction to Clinical Pharmacy Skills course participated in the bingo game. The majority of students (74.6% in the fall and 81.9% in the spring) achieved bingo. Students who achieved bingo had an average course grade 7 points (fall semester) and 10 points (spring semester) higher than the average course grade from the prior 6 semesters.
The bingo game increased student interaction with course material throughout the semester and provided students with options for demonstrating learning.
Keywords: bingo, assessment, motivation, interaction