Finally, there are several ways future research can
expand our current understanding of the processes
related to the development of infant – mother attachment,
including the influence of variables at
multiple system levels. First, more research needs to
be conducted with diverse samples drawn from
higher risk populations, such as in this study and by
a few other groups of researchers (e.g., Barnett et al.,
1999; Egeland & Sroufe, 1981; Spieker & Booth, 1988).
Research should continue to investigate intermediate
factors that might elucidate the link between maternal
representations (of attachment and of caregiving)
and infant – mother attachment. The results
from this study suggest there is a significant relationship
between maternal representations during
pregnancy and infant attachment security after birth,
but it is still unclear how these representations are
transmitted to the infant. Although most prior research
in this area has focused on maternal sensitivity
as one mechanism, research has shown that