Enemas are used to help remove stool and clean patient's bowel. this may be necessary if the patient's is having certain tests, such as a colonoscopy, surgery in his abdomen, or he is having difficulty having a bowel movement.
-I'm going to give you an enema.
-I'm going to give you an enema while you are in bed.
-I'm afraid I have to give you an enema to clean out your bowels before the operation
-I will cover you with a bath blanket
-I will slide a waterproof sheet under your hips and buttocks.
-I will place a bed protector under your hips and buttocks.
-Could you please bend your right knee up?
-Please turn onto your left side and bend your right knee.
-Lay on your left side with right knee bent toward your chest.
- Please turn onto your left side and bend your right knee toward your chest.
-When you can't hold it any longer, please let me know .
-I will help you with the bedpan.
-I will help you onto the bedpan.
-I will take you to the bathroom.
-Please try to hold it a little longer. We are nearly finished.
-Hold in the solution as long as possible (5-10 minutes) before you use the bathroom.
-To prepare for surgery or bowel tests I will repeat this process dure until the fluid that comes out looks clear like water without flecks of stool.
-We have to make sure that your bowels are completely clear.