The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the women and
men who participated in this study, our clinical colleagues including
Jane Baum, Robert Bucklew, Sheila Garven, Barbara Gripsholver, Isabel
Hilliard, Jason McMinn, and Julie Ziegler. We also acknowledge the
contributions of Jen Smith, Diana Thomas, and Sarah Arbuckle for
their input and insight. The project described was supported by the
National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease through grant
P30AI36219; National Center for Research Resources and the National
Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of
Health, through grants 5KL2RR024990 and UL1RR024989; and the
Association of Nurses in AIDS Care/Sigma Theta Tau. The contents of
this article are solely the views of the authors and do not represent the
official views of the National Institutes of Health