'But...' said Logan.
'But the last year and a half have been terrible. Alice Maclennan doesn't come to the restaurant any more. Alex Maclennan wasn't as much fun as before. And Ross almost never comes out of the kitchen.'
'Does she know why?' asked Logan.
'Well, the problem was that Ross and Maclennan stopped being friends. She thinks it was because of money. Maclennan was earning a lot of money from the restaurant. Everyone knew that. But he was still paying Ross the same as when they started.'
'And Ross didn't like it,' said Logan.
'Isabel thinks he didn't like it at all.'
'Did he talk to anyone about it?' asked Logan.
'No. She and Ross are good friends, but he never said anything to her. One night after the restaurant closed, she heard Ross and Maclennan shouting at each other in the office. Later she asked Ross what the problem was and he told her it wasn't important.'
Grant stopped speaking. Logan sat quietly. Then she looked at Grant.
'We must have a closer look at Mr Ross, I think,' she said.
'Yes, madam,' said Grant.
'He was in the army, wasn't he? I want to talk to someone about his time in the army.' She looked at her watch. It was seven thirty. 'But it will be much too late now. Can you find me a number to call in the morning? Then go home and I'll see you tomorrow. We can't do anything else today.'
'OK, madam.'
Logan got her bag and coat, then left the office. Outside it was dark. On her way home she stopped at a supermarket to buy some food. She drove home and left her car in the street outside her house.
When she got inside, she made a sandwich, opened a bottle of Pepsi and sat down. She started thinking about Alex Maclennans murder again. Did Alice Maclennan have a lover? Who? Why was Donald Johnstone so angry? How did he feel about Alex? Was he at home before his sister phoned? Did the bank want to take away his house? Who wanted Alex dead?
Logan's last thought was about Ian Ross. What did he do in the army? She needed to find out more in the morning.