Woodcutter Eugeo was in the middle of chopping down a giant tree, more specifically, the «Gigas Cedar». This was Eugeo's and his friend Kirito's «Sacred Task», as the tree was quite resistant, even with several generations and more than three hundred years of diligent daily chopping using the equally tough «Dragon Bone Axe». At that time, only one mel had been cut through, with three more mels to chop down. Eugeo and Kirito lived in Rulid Village, which is a part of the «Norlangarth North Empire». In order to expand the fields and pastures, the «Gigas Cedar» must be cut down to enter the forest behind it. However, at the current rate, it would take about nine hundred years more to chop the tree down. When the time for work was over, Kirito and Eugeo began grappling each other before halting at hearing the scolding voice of their friend Alice. Alice was the village chief's daughter studying the Sacred Arts in Rulid Village. At noon, she brought lunch to Kirito and Eugeo. After being asked a question on how to make their food's «Life» last longer, they began a small quest to search for something that will keep their bento cool - finding ice in the forbidden «Mountain Range at the Edge .