Self-assessment is a critical element of assessment
for learning. Students are able to look at their grades on
a daily basis and then check the online project rubrics
to see how they might do better. Rubrics, which are
available for each project and for each of the school-
wide learner outcomes, show the criteria that consti-
tute, respectively, basic, proficient, and advanced
work. By making the assessment criteria transparent
and understandable, students are then able to make
their own decisions about what performance target or
level they wish to accomplish. Such just-in-time feed-
back, coupled with the assessment criteria, provides
students with the information needed to foster self-
directed behaviors.
At the end of a project, New Tech students assess
their team members on their collaboration skills and
get to see how their peers assessed them on their
collaboration skills. They also write reflections on what
they learned and how the project can be improved.