Ten more sailors leave the ship in a boat to see what has happened to the men on the island. When they arrive on the island, they can't find their friends, but they do find their boat. Three of the sailors go to look for their friends while the other sailors take their boat out to sea and wait. When they can't find anyone, they decide to go back to the ship. ... knows he has to do something, so ... and an officer go into the woods and call for help. The sailors think it is their friends who are shouting and ... of them go to look. Quickly, ... and the other attack the ... men in the boat. When the sailors return, it is night and they can't leave until the following morning. When they are asleep, the captain and the other men kill two of the ... and his men take the two boats to the ship. There is a fight, but when Robinson hears the guns fire seven times, he knows ... has won.