As it is clear from the discussions that all the rating
systems have been developed on the basis of their
regional factors including available resources,
materials and regional trends, hence one rating system
which has been developed for a specific region shall
not be used for any other region or else it shall
produce wrong results.
Currently there is no building rating system in use in
Saudi Arabia and gulf region which has been
developed for these areas hence there is an urgent
need of the rating system which must be based on the
regional current situation and factors.
It must also be considered that renewable energy
resources, water and recyclable material must also be
given more concern for the development of such
rating system.
As a guide line for the development of a new building
rating system, some parameters and their weightages
are being proposed here. The parameters listed below
have been determined on the basis of their need and
regional practices in Saudi Arabia. It is proposed to
include these parameters as assessment tools for the
new building rating system of Saudi Arabia.
1. Site sustainability
2. Availability of water
3. Renewable energy resources and Green House
Gas emissions
4. Material durability, reliability and recyclability
5. Indoor environment quality
6. Other assessment tools. For example,
management, regional trends, innovation and
adaptability to other gulf regions.
Similarly, a range of weightages in percentage is also
being proposed for the above mentioned assessment
tools. The weightages mentioned here have been
decided keeping in view the available resources, their
utilization and the current market trend and
requirement of the construction industry in Saudi
Arabia. The proposed assessment tools with their
range of weightages are mentioned in Fig. 8. Whereas
the proposed average values of assessment tools are
provided in Table 2.