One necessity of forming bimetallic supported catalyst forthe preparation of broad/bimodal MWD PP lies in the controlof as-polymerized polymer particle morphology, which are veryimportant when considering a potential industrial applicationwhere bulk and gas polymerization processes are predominant. Asshown in Fig. 5, all the obtained broad/bimodal MWD PPs exhibitfine spherical particle morphology, with the particle sizes rangingfrom 200 m to 800 m. As a matter of fact, literature has reportedthat bimodal polyolefins by a simple mixture of metallocene andZiegler–Natta catalyst always exist as a mixture of fine powderwith sporadic beads which would inevitably cause reactor foulingand have severe adverse effect on heat transfer of polymerizationsystem [9,10]. As such, the spherical particle morphology of thebroad/bimodal MWD PP resulted from the bimetallic “two-in-one”catalyst is another promotion of the “two-in-one” catalyst approachto broad/bimodal MWD PP.