On hearing that, Huyan Aobo relaxed and said: “Since your Heavenly Jewel just awakened, that means you are less than 16 years old. How long till you are 16? To start creating Consolidating Equipment Scrolls, you need to be at least 16 years old, otherwise you do not have grown sufficiently and will not be able to control the materials.”
Zhou Weiqing blinked and said: “Teacher, I will be 14 years old in two months time.”
“What? You aren’t 14 years old yet?” Huyan Aobo said in surprise, staring at him.
Zhou Weiqing said with pride: “No choice, I matured early.”
Huyan Aobo shook his head, saying: “I do not mean that, what I mean is that you are only 13 years old and you have so many dirty tricks. I am really suspicious on what your first master has taught you, no wonder you called him a perverted old man, looks like he is not any good thing. You’re just 13 years old and you are already like this, I can’t imagine when you have grown up!”
“……” Zhou Weiqing scratched his head, “Teacher, I am actually a very proper person, pure and good-hearted. People have given me the nickname ‘Honest and dependable little gentleman, Spotless and beautiful youth.”
“Bah.” Once Huyan Aobo had accepted Zhou Weiqing as his disciple, the arrogance on his face had vanished, and he said with a smile: “You, this little brat, really are a funny little treasure, I really do not know why that so called miracle Alexandrite Cat’s Eye will appear for you. However, since you are still less than 14 years old, evidently you cannot study how to create Consolidating Equipment Scrolls for quite some time. What are you doing in the Heavenly Bow Empire now?”
Zhou Weiqing said: “I’m enlisted in the army, I just joined this year, and I’m in the Heavenly Bow Empire’s Fifth Regiment 3rd Archery Battalion, my wife is the 3rd Battalion’s Commander, I am her Personal Aide.”
Feng Yu gave him a strange look, saying: “You entered the military and Awakened your Heavenly Jewel after right?”
Zhou Weiqing nodded, “How did you know?”
Feng Yu said with a smile: “Silly kid, if you were a Heavenly Jewel Master before your enlistment, with the Heavenly Bow Empire’s lack of Jewel Masters, wouldn’t they treat you as an absolute treasure! Your little girlfriend, I remember her, she is known as the greatest genius in the younger generation of Heavenly Bow Empire. Well, it is very good to be in the military now, it will help you to conceal your ability. Besides your little girlfriend, does anyone else know about your Alexandrite Cat’s Eye Elemental Jewel?”
Zhou Weiqing said: “Just two more.”
Feng Yu was taken aback, and at the other side, Huyan Aobo suddenly had an imposing aura of bloodlust, giving out a hand signal and said, “That is not good. We should kill them to eliminate a potential information leak.”
Zhou Weiqing laughed, “Teacher, do you want to commit suicide? The two that I mentioned, isn’t it you and Feng Yu Senior?”
Huyan Aobo gawked in surprise, “Damn brat, you better speak properly to me. You must remember, a long as you have not broken through six sets of Heavenly Jewels and entering the Heavenly Zong State, you must ensure that as few people as possible know about your Alexandrite Cat’s Eye okay? Otherwise, you will face two types of people. One will be resorting to all means to win you over or recruit you, and the other type will be resorting to all means to kill you.”