I have now made a choice and I choose to share ideas on topics that can be related to any person irrespective of caste, creed, profession or nationality. I hope my writing reaches out to as many people as possible and makes a difference in their lives. CHANGE is a necessary criteria for happiness, better learning and improvement in personalities. Be it change in profession, environment, fashion, lifestyle, attitude, perception, goals, vehicles and so on, a good change always makes a person different from others. We all love changes as long as it is good for us. CHANGE is essential when a person has to stand out from a crowd of stereotypical people.
A good CHANGE that is entirely new is referred to as INNOVATION. Now how about being innovative in whatever you do? How about changing the life around you? If you want to be an INVENTOR, an INNOVATOR or a CREATOR, CHANGE your THOUGHTS to change the world around you. Let's begin to see the world through OUR eyes and not through other's eyes. I could think of some of the most important factors that could bring out the innovative YOU.