Contents TRANSLATORS' NOTE U4mnv0AMnuh PREFACE TO THE ENG LISH EDITION(a) ONE The Classical Form of the Historical Novel 15 Social and Historical Conditions for the Rise of the Historical Novel 2. Sir Walter Scott 29 3.The Classical Historical Novel in Struggle with Romanticism 69(2) Two Historical Novel and Historical Drama 101 Facts of Life underlying the Division between 103 Epic and Drama 2. The Peculiarity of Dramatic Characterization 123 3.The Problem of Public Character 150 4-The Portrayal of Collision in Epic and Drama 102 5. A sketch of the Development of Historicism in Drama and Dramaturgy 180(3) THREE The Historical Novel and the Crisis of Bourgeois Realism 202 Changes in the Conception of History after the Revolution of 1848 Modernization and Exoticism 218 204 2. Making Private, 3. The Naturalism of the Plebeian opposition 245 4. Conrad Ferdinand Meyer and the New Type of Historical Novel 264 5. The General Tendencies of Decadence and the Establishment of the Historical Novel as a Special 276 Genre