The project is being developed with financial assistance from the Danish government through Danida, its funding agency, loan from the Development Bank of Southern Africa and investment by the Central Energy Fund and the Darling Independent Power Producer. Referred to as the National Demonstration Project, it will be used as an example for future public-private partnerships in the establishment of electricity generation. Historically, this was largely the sole domain of Eskom.
The turbines are erected below Moedmaag Hill, about 12 km from Darling along the way to Yzerfontein on the West Coast. The structures will be 50m high and the blades will have a span of 31m.
Approval was granted after the environmental impact assessment as prescribed by legislation. The Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT) established the positive impacts will far outweigh any possible negative environmental impacts.
South Africa Wind Energy Programme
The South Africa Wind Energy Programme (SAWEP) originated from the declaration by the Minister of Minerals and Energy in June 2000 of the Darling National Demonstration Wind Farm as a National Demonstration Project and her request for international assistance.