Results showed that the seroprevalence of HBV and HCV among blood donors in Nyala was (6.25%) and (0.65%) respectively, this indicates an intermediate HBV seroprevalence [7] and low level of HCV seroprevalence. The study showed that the seroprevalene of HBV is in compliance rate if compared to previous studies conducted in northern and central Sudan (5.1%) and (5.6%) respectively [8, 9]. Whereas it was low if compared to southern Sudan (26%)[10]. On the other hand the seroprevalence of HCV among blood donors in Nyala is nearly the same (0.65) as in central Sudan (0.6%)[9], whereas it was a bit lower in comparison to northern Sudan (1.3%), Gezira state (2.2%) and southern Sudan (3%) respectively [8, 10, 11].