Hi honey, honestly i feel so blessed to have you in my life
as a lover and best friend and yes i want us to be happy as a family and i will want it to be everlasting ok i love you with every breath that i take every step that i make i thought i would let you know that my love for you is burning brightly each and every day. My heart longs for you, my heart longs to leap at the sound of your voice, my heart longs to be filled with joy by your smile, my heart longs for your love, respect and adoration to flow to you as i gently kiss your lips my heart longs to be warmed when i hold you in my arms. My heart longs to feel the passion as i caress your face, stare into your eyes and tenderly make love to you, i want to see our love for one another grow as we sit on the couch and we share from our heart i want to see the longings you have to express the love i have for you when i rub your chest while we sleep or lay down,i want to be calm and comforted as i lovingly kiss and caress your bare body i want to cup your face in my hands as i draw you tenderly into my passionate kiss and sensual passion and desires as we fed each other on grapes and i also want to feel the tender joy, love, cuddling and snuggling close to each other, i want to share the love with you and please i am giving you that chance please don't break my heart ok, i am ready to put my past behind me and give you that opportunity that i will have to cherish what we share ok, i will take that step with you ok, i am a very determined person and serious in the relationship that i am into ok waiting to hear more from you.